Friday, August 3, 2012

Olympics, Tiger, & Charlie

I seem to be watching more Olympics coverage than I want to. I've watched all the vollyball (both beach and non-beach--go, you lovely women), all the swimming and gymnastics, water polo, equestrian, rowing, and table tennis. My eye can't quite adjust to the table tennis, though. The camera angle makes it look like they're playing on a table only four feet long. And what about that funny head to the table, almost caressing the ball before they serve. I can't wait for the track and field to begin.

The evil twin Tiger is playing in Akron this week, and the good twin Tiger seems to have disappeared. Furyk is going crazy and Tiger is just going blank. His putting is again so bad he can't contend. Will the good twin show up next week for the PGA? Who knows.

Charlie is almost a year old and has been with us for seven months now. What a joy he is. He no longer has his front claws out when he plays with us or with Squeakie. I guess he now knows how easily he could hurt us. He loves our back patio, and every morning right at 5:00 I'll feel him extend a little paw to touch me on the arm to let me know he wants to go out. So I dutifully get up and open the back door. What a funny boy he is.

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